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Settecentina - The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus - 1^ ed. 1770


The genuine works of Flavius Josephus, faithfully translated from the original greek, with notes critical and explanatory, the whole illustrated with a beautiful set of copper-plates
Birmingham, printed by Christopher Eearl, 1770

Contiene elencati sul frontespizio: The life of Josephus written by himself; The antiquities of the Jews in twenty books; The wars of the Jews with the Romans; Defence of the antiquities of the Jews against Appion; The martyrdom of the Maccabees

Pag. 871 con 11 tavole calcografiche

Legatura in mezza pelle non coeva - Lingua inglese.

Condizioni molto buone. Leggera macchia a pag. 343/344. Legatura restaurata e sguardie rifatte.

Categorie del negozio

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